The magic created through words…….. Weaves Wonders !

Professional Content Writing

Website Designing can provide the initial glam quotient to the websites, and Web Development can be vehicular in making the site operational with the use of right technology…..But the actual task of RETAINING the users to the website is done by ONLY GOOD CONTENT ! In that regards Content is the King or the foundation; on the basis of which the websites survive.

Iknoor Technology provides customized content solutions that match with the core objectives of your enterprise. Our content embodies the vision of the marketers and it caters to customized requirements of our clients. Our content is crisp, original, creative and focused. Nobody has the time and patience to beat around the bush and decipher hidden meanings in content. Therefore we provide content that is precise and works to draw search engine spiders to increase the rankings of your sites.

What all does it include?

  • Promotional/SEO writing (Article/Blogs)
  • Writing Newsletters
  • Corporate Brochures
  • Corporate profiles
  • Creative writing
  • Technical writing
  • Tag Lines
  • Press Releases
  • Content Editing

Advantage of ITPL

Experienced Content Writers

Our Company has a wide array of highly experienced content writers that have in-depth experience in the field of writing. Their writing depicts an understanding of your objectives and your audience to cater to their specific needs. Thus, one can say that we communicate the values and thoughts of our clients to the audience at large.

Technology Expertise

Our writers have good understanding of Internet Marketing Strategies and they are aware about the kind of writings that would draw search engine spiders to the websites. Thus the content provided by us is Keyword rich and not stuffed with keywords !

Well Researched

The facts provided in the websites are done after a good research from various sources. After having thorough understanding of the concepts; content is generated and is truly original in terms of thoughts, expressions and language.

Having expertise to cater to both B2B and B2C sectors, ITPL has created a niche for itself to cater to the content needs of people from variegated locations. So be it a client that is looking for UK overtones or American English, or to suit the European markets, we have writers to match every needs. Thus SEO expertise, with good hold over language and good understanding of the concepts are the underlying features of the content writing services provided by ITPL ! And it is undoubtedly the best company for Designing and Content Writing Services India as we believe that we believe that the magic created through words…….. Weaves Wonders !