Step by step WordPress installation guide

1. Download the WordPress Installation package from .

2. Extract the downloaded installation package and copy the WordPress folder and paste it in WAMP>WWW Folder

3. Create a MySQL Database for WordPress to use.Rem’ber the credentials of the database as same will be required while setting up WordPress.

4. Setting up WordPress on Windows with WAMP

• Open localhost in the browser by typing http://localhost/ in the address bar. Choose your site name (in our case wordpress) from below “Your Projects”
• The following screen will appear starting config file wp-config.php is missing.
• Click on “Create a Configuration File” button. Welcome wordpress page will be displayed as shown below. Click on “Let’s go” button.
• After clicking on Let’s go button, following screen will be displayed with the form requiring database credentials (use the same credentials as entered in Step 3)
• Click on Submit after entering the database credentials. If the details are entered correctly following screen will appear stating WordPress can now communicate with your database. Click on “Run the Install” button to proceed.
• Information needed screen will appear. Enter the required details – Site Title, Username, Password, Email and click on “Install WordPress” button.
• Once WordPress is installed, following success screen is displayed.