1. There’s No Minimum Investment

This is a huge positive for small businesses who are often operating with a limited budget. And honestly, even if you have a large marketing budget you most likely don’t want to risk a lot of money up front to test out a new marketing channel.

With Google AdWords, there is no minimum investment or monthly ad spend, which means there’s much less of a risk when compared to other advertising options with larger up front costs.

Some keywords cost more than others, but if you’re realistic with your budget and with the market you’re competing in, Google AdWords is a great option.

2. You Only Pay For Results

Not only is Google AdWords affordable, but you also only pay when you get results. With “pay-per-click” advertising you’re doing just that- paying each time someone clicks on your ad.

If your campaign is set up correctly, incorporating relevant keywords and negative keywords, then the clicks you’ll pay for will be good prospects for your business.

Plus, remarketing in Google AdWords helps you to target people who have clicked on your ad in the past, but haven’t converted yet. This helps to you follow up and stay top-of-mind with prospective customers.

3. Google Ads Show Up at the Perfect Time

When someone takes the time to search in Google, they are usually looking for something at that exact moment. This gives businesses an amazing opportunity to get in front of prospects at the exact moment they are are making a buying decision.

Before digital advertising was popular, businesses used to advertise in the Yellowpages under a category closely related to their business so that their ad would be in front of prospects who were searching for a specific product or service.

Google AdWords is essentially the Yellowpages of digital marketing, but it’s even better because you can choose to advertise for any keyword you think your prospective customers will search when they’re looking to purchase your product or service.

4. Google Ads Show Up in the Perfect Place

Timing is extremely important but won’t help if your ads aren’t being shown to the customers in your local area.

Google AdWords allows you to choose geographical targeting that will ensure your ads are only displayed to prospects in your market. If you’re a local business, this means you can choose the mileage radius that customers will typically visit your business from.

For example, if you’re a dentist and you’ve found that most of your patients live within a 15-mile radius of your office, you can choose to only advertise to people who live within that radius, ensuring that prospects are in the perfect place to turn into customers.

5. AdWords Engages Your Target Customers

Video content is an extremely effective form of content marketing. In fact, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video and YouTube reports almost 100% growth every year.

You might be asking yourself, “what does that have to do with Google AdWords?”

YouTube advertising is managed through Google AdWords. That means using AdWords provides businesses with the opportunity to get their advertisements on YouTube videos that are related to your product or service. With over 4.9 billion videos being watched on YouTube each day, this provides a valuable opportunity for businesses using AdWords.

6. Google AdWords Helps Guide Your SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great investment because if your site is on page one, you don’t have to pay for the clicks to your website. However, SEO can take months, or even years, to get your business to rank on the first page of Google and requires constant effort to keep it there.

With Google AdWords, you can potentially get your website visible on page 1 of Google within hours, but of course, you have to pay for each click.

The key takeaway is Google AdWords gives you the ability to test different keywords and see if they drive sales for your business. You can use this information to inform your SEO strategy and make sure your investing your budget on keywords that will actually generate sales once your website is ranking.

7. Built-In ROI Tracking

There’s no point in investing in advertising if you don’t know if it’s working. With Google AdWords, that will never be an issue.

AdWords has built-in capabilities that both track and report on your return on investment (ROI). The setup is fairly simple to complete on your own, or a web developer can quickly set your account up correctly.

Once setup is complete, you’re able to track webform submissions, e-commerce sales, phone calls, and even offline sales that were closed via phone calls or in person.

Plus, the reports will show you exactly which keywords and ads are driving the most sales, allowing you to allocate your budget accordingly and maximize your ROI.


Google AdWords is an incredibly powerful tool for advertising your business. If you pay close attention to setup, tracking, and managing your account, it can provide an excellent ROI and create sales for your business.